Please note that this page is in the process of being updated.
National dementia plans
Unlike international initiatives, national plans are capable of addressing dementia issues in a way tailored to the unique culture and demographics of each country. The WHO Global plan on dementia urges that governments should develop national policies on dementia by 2025.
A comprehensive government plan to address the needs of people with dementia can provide a mechanism to consider a range of issues including promoting public awareness of dementia and improving the quality of health care, social care and long-term care support and services for people living with dementia and their families.
Below you can find a list of national dementia plans, examples of sub-national plans and non-governmental plans.
- Argentina ‘regional plans’
- Armenia
- Australia
- Austria – Dementia Strategy: Living well with dementia (2015)
- Bonaire – Op weg naar een dementievriendelijke samenleving: Nationaal beleidsplan dementie
- Bosnia & Herzegovina ‘regional plans’
- Brazil
- Canada – A Dementia Strategy for Canada: Together We Aspire (2019)
- Chile – Plan Nacional de Demencia (2017-2025)
- China
- Costa Rica – National Plan (2014-2024)
- Cuba – Strategy for Alzheimer Disease and Dementia Syndromes (2016)
- Curacao – Plan Nashonal di Demensia Curacao
- Czech Republic – Národní akční plán pro Alzheimerovu nemoc 2020 – 2030
- Denmark – National handlingsplan for demensindsatsen (2017-2025)
- Dominican Republic – Plan de la respuesta a las demencias en la República Dominicana, 2020-2025
- Finland – National Programme on Ageing 2030
- Germany – Nationale Demenzstrategie
- Gibraltar – National Dementia Strategy (2023-2028)
- Greece – National Dementia Strategy (2016-2020)
- Iceland – Aðgerðaáætlun um þjónustu við einstaklinga með heilabilun (2020-2025)
- Indonesia – National Dementia Strategy (2016)
- Iran – برنامهکشوريدمانس در نظام سلامت ایرا
- Ireland – National Dementia Strategy 2011-2016
- Israel – National program for Addressing Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Types of Dementia 2013
- Italy – National Dementia Strategy 2014
- Japan
- Korea, Republic of – National dementia plan (2015)
- Kuwait – National Dementia Strategy
- Luxembourg – Programm Demenz Prävention-PDP
- Macau SAR – Ten-Year Action Plan for Elderly Services from 2016 to 2025
- Malta – Empowering Change 2015-2023
- Malaysia – The Dementia Action Plan: 2023-2030
- Mexico
- Netherlands – National Dementia Programme 2021-2030
- New Zealand – Dementia Mateware Action Plan
- Northen Ireland – Regional Dementia Care Pathway
- Norway – Demensplan 2025
- Portugal – National Dementia Plan
- Puerto Rico – Plan de Acción
- Qatar – National Dementia Plan 2018-2022 Summary
- Russian Federation – Комплексная междисциплинарная и межведомственная программа профилактики, раннего выявления, диагностики и лечения когнитивных расстройств у лиц пожилого и старческого возраста до 2025 г.
- Scotland – Dementia in Scotland: Everyone’s Story
- Singapore
- Spain – Plan Integral de Alzheimer y otras Demencias (2019-2023)
- Sweden – Nationella riktlinjer för vård och omsorg vid demenssjukdom
- Switzerland – National Dementia Strategy 2014-2019
- TADA Chinese Taipei
- Thailand
- UK – see ‘Sub-national plans’
- USA – National Alzheimer’s Plan 2017: 2018 Update
- Vietnam
Sub-national and other dementia plans
In many countries, sub-national or other plans by region, province, state or canton are also in development. Many national governments are increasingly decentralising to their sub national units for health care and public health planning and these are the most appropriate level of government to strategically meet the growing needs of people with dementia and their families and increases potential for impact. TADA Chinese Taipei and Macau SAR are listed under ‘other’.
- Flanders 2016-2019
- Wallonia
- Bavaria
- Saarland
Switzerland (National plan 2014-2019)
- Canton of Geneva 2016
- Canton of Vaud 2010
Non-governmental dementia strategies
Non-governmental strategies are generated by private non-governmental groups that can serve as the case statement to persuade governments to create a national or sub national governmental plan.
- Canada – Canadian Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Partnership: Strategic Objectives –
A collective vision for a national dementia strategy for Canada - India – Dementia India Strategy
Action in Europe
Alzheimer Europe and associations in Europe have achieved policy action across the continent. You can see a review of National dementia strategies and policies in Europe in the Alzheimer Europe ‘European Dementia Monitor‘ (2017).
Action in the Americas
The Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO) published the first Regional Plan of Action on Dementia in October 2015.
The PAHO Regional Plan of Action on Dementia obliges countries to develop national dementia plans, including the promotion of risk reduction strategies through public health programmes, ensuring a rights-based approach to the provision of care and support for people living with dementia and better training for health professionals, as well as more funding for research.
ADI has several reports on national plan development, including our From Plan to Impact reports, which provide a an important update each year on the progress towards the World Health Organization (WHO)’s Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017-2025.
National Alzheimer Strategies
- Bulgaria – National Plan 2015
- Portugal – Proposed National Dementia Strategy (Portuguese)
- Singapore – National Dementia Strategy 2009
- Spain – National Health System strategy for Neurodegenerative Diseases 2016 (Spanish)